Friday, December 3, 2010


Ever since I was little I always have wanted a chameleon.  To me chameleons are the coolest pet that enyone can have because they don't make any noises, they are not nasty (like rats and other animals like that), they change color (I didn't think that they did uless they have lived in the wild but they actually still do),they have and awesome toungue that catches its food when it is hungry, and last they have independent eyes.  They are just prety much amazing!
This month me and my family decided that we are going to move to a different house after Christmas and I got the best news that I have ever gotten.  I might be able to get a chameleon after we move.  I have already found the perfect one and it is only a few weeks old that is perfect.  I can't wait to get him even though I don't have a name for him but I am so excited!


I have a dog named Jackson.  She is the best dog that I have ever had and I am going to tell you the story of how I got her and about her.
How I got Jackson is when I was about one, me and my family went to Jackson hole for a vacation.  We did tons of fun things but the best thing that we did was going to a pet store.  We looked around in the pet store and I decided that I wanted a dog.  My parents didn't think that was a bad idea so when we got home my dad looked everywhere for a chocolate lab because he always wanted one and it was what I wanted too.  Finally he found a puppy chocolate lab from one of his friends that was only weeks old.  My dad decided that she was perfect. He brought her home and I was so excited. we named her Jackson because all I wanted in Jackson Hole was a dog so we named her after that.
Jackson is now thirteen years old and isn't really able to do much but when she was younger she would do tons of things.  Right when we got her we trained her.  She could sit, shake, roll, and stay but the best thing that I thought was that she was trained to catch pheasants.  We trained her but the funniest thing was when we went pheasant hunting my dad killed a one.  Jackson ran off to get it like she was trained but she didn't come back so after a while.  We got impatient after a while and went to find her.  When we found her she was sitting right in front of the pheasant with her tail between her legs not knowing what to do.  We told her to pick it up but she just sat there staring at it and finally my dad picked up the pheasant and mde her carry it the rest of the time that we were hunting.
Jackson is now twelve years old and is just as awesome as she was before.  She still will play with you but after a while she gets really tired and lays down.  She has never bitten anyone and has always been scared of little dogs but she has never been afraid of the big ones.  Jackson has always been the best dog and always be the best, and that is how I got my dog.