Friday, December 3, 2010


Ever since I was little I always have wanted a chameleon.  To me chameleons are the coolest pet that enyone can have because they don't make any noises, they are not nasty (like rats and other animals like that), they change color (I didn't think that they did uless they have lived in the wild but they actually still do),they have and awesome toungue that catches its food when it is hungry, and last they have independent eyes.  They are just prety much amazing!
This month me and my family decided that we are going to move to a different house after Christmas and I got the best news that I have ever gotten.  I might be able to get a chameleon after we move.  I have already found the perfect one and it is only a few weeks old that is perfect.  I can't wait to get him even though I don't have a name for him but I am so excited!


  1. I want a chamillian soo badly! Thats awesome that your parents are letting you get one!
    -Bryce H.

  2. this is a cool blog and i also think that cameleons are cool, and that they change color

  3. I didnt know that cameleons are so cool. Have fun when you get your own.

  4. Chameleons are so cool! I've heard that they turn red when they're angry! I hope he's cute!
