Monday, January 3, 2011


To me I think that the utopia in The Giver is a good and bad utopia in different ways.  First it is good because in the community you are always safe and fed.  The bad part about the utopia is you have no choise.  An example of that is how each person is assigned a job and a life and you don't get to choose your partner and you are not even able to have kids.  I don't think that not being able to choose could be so told "not as dangerous" but I don't think that it is really fair you can't choose for yourself.
The reason that I think that this utopia is bad is that you see and feel nothing.  It is not fair.  They can't feel pleasure or pain so to me I don't think that you could ever really be happy because you don't know what it really feels like to be sad.  I think that it would be a lot better if you could see and feel things and be able to choose because if you don't than you will never really be happy.  I think that if you choose and feel, people would be able to enjoy things a lot more and find different rules so it is still a utopia but people have options to do what they want.

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